NEPO is the lead contracting body that awarded the Framework Contract in 2019. NEPO is a Public Buying Organisation (PBO), that works with UK public sector organisations to develop procurement solutions in high-spend areas such as construction, energy, and fleet.
NEPRO is the overarching brand that encompasses NEPRO3, NEPRO x Innovation, and NEPRO x Financial Resilience.
NEPRO3 is the name of the solution(also referred to as a ‘framework’), wholly owned by NEPO. Bloom Procurement Services Ltd is the name of the organisation currently operating as delivery partner to NEPRO3. Bloom Procurement Services Ltd is delivering NEPRO3 on behalf of NEPO and all participating contracting authorities.
Our NEPRO x Innovation and NEPRO x Financial Resilience solutions are currently at procurement stage. To find out more about them, please contact us.
- A quick, compliant route to new markets
- Risk management
Control and visibility of all expenditure on professional services - Challenging the traditional way of thinking about professional services
Controls to ensure that suppliers deliver - Promote growth within local economies
Having listened to key stakeholders, NEPO went to market in 2012 for a single supplier solution for the procurement of a neutral vendor managed service for specialist professional services (NEPRO). Since then, a second iteration was launched in 2015 (NEPRO2), followed by the current iteration, NEPRO³, which was launched in September 2019.
As the category of professional services became increasingly complex, it was clear from the concerns raised by key stakeholders that a central and nationally accessible solution was needed. Common issues raised to NEPO included:
- Inability to accurately monitor spending due to a variety of complex pricing mechanisms
Wasted spend due to poor performance and/or scope creep - Inability to access smaller, more specialist providers due to framework dominance of larger organisations
- Over inflated timescales due to complicated and often misunderstood requirements
- Poorly designed ‘input’ driven specifications and/or terms and conditions which often meant intellectual properties went unprotected
In the face of continuing financial and demand pressures, it was clear the need to procure specialist professional services would continue to grow. It was anticipated the concerns highlighted above would therefore only increase and the need for a new solution was ever more important.
Originally conceived and launched in 2012, NEPRO has evolved into an innovative model for meeting the requirements of the public sector. Building on the successes of earlier iterations, NEPO went to market for a third time in 2019, which resulted in Bloom Procurement Services Ltd being awarded as the sole delivery partner for the NEPRO³ framework. The current iteration was procured under PCR15 on an Open Procedure and is to run for an initial 48-month term, which has now been extended until 2027.
NEPRO x Innovation & NEPRO x Financial Resilience have now been added to the NEPRO portfolio of frameworks after recognising that the UK public sector has some huge aspirations including unlocking Artificial Intelligence (AI) across public services, reaching net zero, tackling housing crises, among others.
Specialist Professional Services is a recognised strategic category and is commonly understood to be made up of the following four components:
- Professional Services
- Consultancy Services
Interim Management (not covered by this solution) - Agency & Temporary Recruitment (not covered by this solution)
Consultants provide specialist services over a limited period, or are commissioned to perform a specific, finite or one-off project. Consultants are expected to provide the specialist skills and expertise which are not available within an organisation. Consultants are not normally commissioned to undertake tasks that could be viewed as “business as usual”. They may also provide an independent assessment of functions, situations, and projects.
There are currently three generally recognised models of consultants available:
- Multi-disciplined professional services and/or consultancy organisations that offer a wide range of specialisms at strategic, operational, and tactical levels with a global presence in the marketplace;
- Small Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) specialising in a particular market sector or field of expertise; and
- Stand-alone of sole trader SPS agencies focussing on specialist and technical consultancy and professional advice around a particular field, function or industry
NEPO, as leading contracting body, has established regular contract management processes to monitor compliance and performance throughout the duration of NEPRO3. This includes weekly engagement with the delivery partner, Bloom Procurement Services Ltd, as well as various periodic management information requirements and audit checks.
NEPO and Bloom Procurement Services Ltd also host several annual engagement events throughout the UK in which contracting authorities are invited to share experiences and help shape the contract management principles as part of the NEPRO3 framework.
We are always available to support and provide guidance as and when needed. NEPO also act as a point of escalation in the event of any performance issues or dispute resolution with the delivery partner.
The scope of NEPRO3 only includes Professional Services and Consultancy Services.
Agency and Temporary Recruitment and Interim Management is considered out of scope. If you’re unclear whether a project falls within the scope of NEPRO3, please first contact Bloom Procurement Services Ltd. NEPO should be consulted for further guidance if still unclear.
NEPO developed 20 overarching categories and over 380 sub-categories to encompass the full spectrum available for Specialist Professional Services requirements for the NEPRO3 framework. The full list of in scope categories is available upon request.
NEPRO3 has been made accessible for all public sector contracting authorities throughout all administrative regions of the UK.
Eligible organisations include, but are not limited to, Government Departments and their Agencies, Non-Departmental Public Bodies, Central Government, NHS Bodies, Local Authorities, Emergency Services, Coastguard Emergency Services, Educational Establishments, Registered Social Landlords and Registered Charities who have a need to purchase the above services.
A full list of all permissible organisations is available upon request.
There is no cost for contracting authorities to access NEPRO, or any of NEPO’s solutions. Under NEPRO³ suppliers pay a 5% management fee on the successful completion of projects only.
Buyers should simply follow the steps listed here to become an Associate Member of NEPO. Once complete, the associate membership scheme grants you access to NEPO solutions. NEPO currently have 800+ Associate Members. Please contact us to see if your organisation is already signed up.
Five individual sets of terms and conditions have been developed to govern the relationships involved under NEPRO3:
- Framework Agreement (NEPO and Bloom Procurement Services Ltd)
- Call-Off Contract (Contracting Authority and Bloom Procurement Services Ltd)
- Full Membership or Associate Membership Agreement (NEPO and Contracting Authority)
- Service Delivery Agreement between Neutral Vendor and SPS Provider:
- Standard SDA
- Enhanced SDA
- Work Order specific to each and every project (Bloom Procurement Services Ltd and Appointed Supplier)
The Contracts referenced in (1), (2) and (3) will be provided to you by NEPO.
NEPO have direct control and influence of (1) and (2) and are responsible for managing any requesting amendments or enquiries for relating to (2). However, any amendments made must not materially alter the balance of the original Contract. (4) is agreed between the Delivery Partner and SPS Provider upon completion of the accreditation process, we now have a tiered supplier accreditation for NEPRO3 based upon project value and complexity. (5) is agreed between Bloom, Contracting Authority, and appointed SPS Provider upon completion of the engagement process. As the Work Order (5) is made specific to the requirements and criteria of the project then it is the responsibility of the Contracting Authority, Bloom, and SPS Provider to ensure due consideration has been given to wider legislation which also governs the delivery of that project. Although NEPO would not typically involve themselves in this discussion, we would intervene should we become aware of a dispute between the three parties.
The Contracts referenced in (4) and (5) are private-to-private and have been developed by Bloom Procurement Services Ltd to manage the contractual obligations under NEPRO3. The Work Order (5) is based on each delivered project and signed by Bloom Procurement Services Ltd and the Appointed supplier. The Contracting Authority must provide prior approval to Bloom Procurement Services Ltd that the Work Orders cover all criteria and project provisions. For the avoidance of doubt, this does not constitute a tri-party agreement.
NEPO has revised the Framework and Call-Off Contract(s) to accommodate for IR35 legislative reform changes in 2017 and GDPR legislative changes in 2018. Please contact NEPO directly to ensure you are working from the most recent versions. Bloom Services Limited have also updated their contractual documentation to reflect the changes.
Implementing an accordion in your framework (or no framework) can be a daunting task. Below we show simple implementations of the accordion pattern in several frameworks.