Social Value

What is Social Value?

The UK Public Services (social value) Act 2012 has placed social value as a key influence over policy and procurement decision makers. Challenging them to consider the social, economic, and environmental benefits experienced by the local economies they operate within.

  • How can you achieve social value with NEPRO 

    Through NEPRO, we help our customers to overcome any difficulties they may have in understanding, embedding, recording, and reporting on social value outcomes and impacts.

Social Value for Buyers

NEPRO makes it easier for public sector clients to deliver on their social value goals and initiatives. 



Social Value for Suppliers

We are proud to continue to support procurement opportunities for all 3rd sector organisations. Including SMEs, mutuals, charities and social enterprises.

We continue to strengthen local economies, allowing for the selection of local suppliers to deliver projects. We provide support to our supply chain through every step of the process. 


NEPRO's Social Value Impact

Discover below our annual Social Value Reports, bringing to life the impactful activities our solutions help to deliver

Insights and the impacts of Social Value 

Social Value is a key part of our NEPRO Frameworks, with a key focus on driving innovative SME growth in Public Sector supply chains and supporting Contracting Authorities in delivering their crucial social value and sustainability aims.

  • The percentage of projects awarded to SMEs stands at...

    0 %

  • The total amount of social value we have created is...

    £ 0 m

  • The amount awarded and paid to local suppliers is...

    £ 0 m